Appeton Multivitamin Lysine with Prebiotics contains prebiotics that are derived from inulin and oligofructose. Prebiotics are present as fibre in a number of vegetables and plants including wheat, onion, bananas, garlic and chicory.
The human intestine is made up of both beneficial and harmful bacteria. Intestinal infection may occur when the number of harmful bacteria outgrows the beneficial ones. Prebiotics stimulate the growth and restore the balance of good bacteria in the digestive tract.
Appeton Multivitamin Lysine will increase the number of beneficial bacteria and decreases the population of potentially pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in a healthy digestive system.
Fruity flavor
Chewable tablet in star shaped
No alcohol
Should be taken with balance diet and regular exercise
Appeton Multivitamin Lysine Prebiotics (Inulin and oligofructose)
– Increase the number of beneficial bacteria and decreases the population of potentially pathogenic microorganisms.
– Protects against intestinal infections by stimulating immunity of the host.
– Improves nutrients absorption.
Vitamin A
– Ensure good eye sight and maintains a proper level of calcium in the body fluid.
Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid
– Essential for cell formation, especially red blood cells and they are vital in the prevention of certain forms of anemia.
Vitamin C
– Helps to prevent the occurrence of scurvy (sore gums and teeth) and increase body resistance towards infection.
Vitamin D3
– Helps the body absorb and utilize calcium & phosphorus while maintaining proper level of calcium in the body fluid. • Ensures healthy growth of bones and teeth.
Vitamin E
– Proper cell function (e.g. healthy skin)
– For Better skin condition and nervous system
How to take Appeton Multivitamin Lysine
Children from 1 to 8 years old : 1 tablet daily
Children from 9 years old & above : 1-2 tablets daily
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